Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I blame my kitchen!

It’s my kitchens fault that I’m fat.

I know, I am half owner of the house that has the kitchen so that makes it MY fault (partly) but I don’t want to go THERE at the moment. Our house is a tract home built in 1956, not really that old, yet the kitchen has NEVER been updated. Our kitchen counters, sink, cabinets and floors are FIFTY-THREE years old. I KNOW, WTF. We have lived in the house for 22 years yet we didn’t actually purchase it until 7 years ago. Approximately. We have every excuse in the book as to why we have not gutted the damn thing and at least, AT LEAST brought it up to current building codes. Geezus! As I write this, I’m getting more pissed off about it. Hence the body armor I carry. Arrggghhh!

ANYWAY. It’s old and ugly and nasty and I think THIS is why I don’t like to cook. I also think of cooking as a chore, like exercise and I don’t make the time because I dread it. Usually, I’m trying to work it into my schedule. About half the time, I give up and order take–out. Like exercise, I would like to like to cook. I like to bake but we don’t want to be doing that right now.

So, since we don’t have the funds or the time to take a sledge hammer to the counter tops (yes, I have fantasies about this) being that our mortgage company just suspended our Home Equity Line of Credit (something about the “economic downturn” and tanking of housing values) and Hubbs is getting ready to go on a long, expensive hunting trip; I’m going to clean that shit up. I need to clear that negative, stagnant energy. I’m thinking I need to act like I’m moving out (hmm, another fantasy I have, often.) I know I have some spices up in them there cupboards that have been there for 22 years. I’ve probably had some of them for almost 30. OMG!! I can’t believe I just admitted that in writing. Oh the shame.

I want to get excited about cooking and creating healthy meals for me and my family. I know I can do this. I love watching cooking shows and I am always inspired to cook great things. I save and have piles of recipes that I have yet to make. What a better way to learn how to eat healthy and lose weight. I’m going to check out some Mediterranean recipes right now.

By the way, this is a revelation I had at about 1:30 pm today. Where does this stuff come from and why doesn’t it show up sooner? Am I really that slow? Don’t answer that.

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