Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No Drama

Of course I say this and then, BOOM, something will happen.

Work was even more boring today and home is relatively calm. Kids are behaving, Doodles is happy as long as he gets to go outside. My only dilemma at the moment is what the hell to fix for dinner. I think I need to go get something. Ugh. My two least favorite things: thinking of something for dinner and grocery shopping.

Hubby has injured his knee somehow but will not go to the doctor. Men. We are getting ready to go camping this weekend. I say we, while I am sitting here on my bed and Hubby is off to pick up the big ugly travel trailer. This should be a blast while he limps around and barks at Prince to do everything he can't and then complain to me about how it wasn't done right. I better go stock up on more vodka.

Camping. It's so much work for a few days out on the coast eating and drinking too much. We have been camping just about every summer since Prince was Doodles age and we always have fun. I know the kids love it. And why wouldn't they? We do most of the work. Brats. They need to step up , we are tired and they are young. That's it, I'm going to make them do it all. Yeah. Right.

And I'm done. I have invaders in my space and can't focus. Not that this post was all that exciting anyway. Boring, just like work. Ugh.

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