Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Horror-scope for today

An e-mail sent to my BFF:

By Rick Levine
Someone may accuse you of being negative today (just today, I accuse myself of that everyday), yet that's not your perception (Huh?) of what's happening. Your denial (me? In denial? naw) doesn't do much to settle others down as they ask you to explain your behavior (my behavior?! What about their behavior?). Don't allow yourself to get sucked into (too late) someone else's drama (but I’m surrounded by drama!), but if it's true that you have been hiding your frustrations (DUH!! And not doing a very good job of it either) it will feel better to get them out into the open. (Oh that can’t end well.)

Ready to either explode or collapse into an exhausted puddle of tears. Due to my hormonal imbalance, I can’t make up my FREAKING mind.

And how you doin?

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