Thursday, May 19, 2016

It's official

I'm a codger. Except a codger is a man and I'm definitely not a man. Okay, then, I'm just a cranky old bitch. 

I went to the Zoo today to take some pictures. I don't know what I was expecting. I'm thinking I was expecting quiet. I mean, it is a Zoo and people should respect the animals a little bit. I guess I wasn't expecting people to be there either. Well there was a lot of people there. Kids, kids and more kids. Okay, I get it, it's a zoo. You take your kids to the Zoo to see the animals. 

At this point though, I have lost faith in humanity just a little bit more. There were these sandwich signs, EVERYWHERE, politely requesting that we be quiet; like a Coyote.  You know, for the animals. Yet kids were screaming and yelling and running and yelling. I don't blame them, I blame the parents. Most of the kids were preschoolers who can't read the signs but their parents who had to get a drivers license to drive them to the Zoo should be able to read. I did not see one parent tell their child or children to be quiet. Not one. Then I saw one parent tell her kids to step over the ropes, into and onto the flowers and climb on a statue so she could take a picture of them. Seriously?

I caught myself actually saying "shhh" to one girl who was yelling back at her friends/family that she found the Elephants. 

It was all too overwhelming. I did find a quiet spot near some bears and stood there enjoying the peace for a moment and chatting with a Volunteer. Then a little boy climbed up a tree, got stuck and starting yelling for his mom. Where was she when he decided to violate that tree. 

Yep, this country is going to hell in a hand basket if parents don't step up and teach their children right from wrong. It starts with teaching them manners and respect. 

And I'm spent. That little shit show of a trip kicked my ass.

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