Thursday, November 10, 2016

I forgot

I woke up this morning, apparently having forgot that the election even happened, for a few calm moments. Then I saw my news feed and the cloud of shock and sadness descended.

I know, I wrote about choices yesterday. Today I want to choose love over fear. I'd like to do this every day but my heart aches for the souls that have been and still are subjected to hate on a daily basis. How do they choose love over fear?

People are saying it will be okay. How do you tell that to the human beings that are being attacked verbally and physically by some ignorant and hateful supporters of our newly elected President? This shit is happening right now across the country.

What the HELL America?!

My stomach hurts and I have no idea what to do with myself, let alone how to help others.

So many thoughts. So many feelings.

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