Saturday, August 16, 2008


My in-laws. OH MY are they some good raw material to blog about.

I just got off the phone with my best friend and sister-outlaw (we married into the craziness) who just enlightened me with some new information regarding these people and jesus the crap that comes out of their mouths. I swear I could write a book about them. I did write a paper for an English class many years ago (yep, been dealing with this stuff for a LONG time) that was pretty much nothing but a thorough bashing (my instructor loved it). Later I kind of regretted being so mean but it was just to effing funny. I will write about them and their insane view on everything later. Right now I need to go find some shoes to go with the dress I bought last week for the wedding of the second to youngest brother-in-law and his partner that we are going to tomorrow. Are you following me here? Keep up. Yeah, I should have even more material to work with after. Oh and I'm shooting the wedding. I actually feel very excited, honored and hella nervous. I am NOT a professional photographer. They know this but I guess they think; Relative with good camera equipment, FREE photos, what the hell. Which is why I need to chill and enjoy the opportunity since they aren't paying me.

Yes, I'm a bitch. Two faced too. I hate people like that! I'm working on being more funny about it and less mean because as nucking futs as these people are I do love them. Some of them. Some more than others. Some, not so much. Okay, fine, I tolerate them. For my husband.

Off to shop for SHOES and whatever other shiny objects catch my eye!

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