Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday (yes, I know it's Tuesday)

The wedding was beautiful and everyone was on their best behaviour. Except me, as usual. I think I actually insulted a brother of the other groom by dissing Texas. Well, I hate Texas. Okay, hate is a bit strong. I don't like Texas. Been there three times and that was three times too many. So, no good material to work with from there. I know, I said (wrote) that I would get into more detail about the conversation I had with my sister-outlaw. I will. I have to, just not right now. Being at work while blogging this really cramps my style. Just can't find the time once I get home between cooking dinner, running errands, sitting in my chair reading, watching the Olympics (SWIMMERS!!) and drinking cocktails.

My September Oprah magazine came in the mail yesterday. Made my Monday evening much better considering Hubby was still on his work rant. Argh. It's been weeks, months actually and I'm really tired of hearing it. I know he needs to talk and get it out but he doesn't come up for air to the point that my ears start ringing. He is so tired and so cranky that everything pisses him off. What the hell am I supposed to do with it all? Oh, I know, grab my mag and my reading glasses (!!) and sneak off to my bed. Once again Martha Beck had me laughing and crying. Laughing because she is funny, I think, for a self help kinda person. Crying because she gets me or people like me. Now if I could just get her to come over here and kick my ass into gear. I'm going to try writing down a few key sentences from her article to keep with me and read often. Maybe her wisdom will finally sink into my thick head.

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